Upcoming Events

The calendar below includes events sponsored by the PTA and the school. 

You can also view the Maywood Hills Elementary School calendar and the Northshore School District Calendar. 

School events may include both school and PTA volunteers.

Add the Maywood Hills PTA Calendar to your online calendar!

Family BINGO

Family BINGO

We are excited to host our third annual Family BINGO Night fundraiser! Our goal is $10,000 to fund our PTA which directly supports students, staff and our community. Tickets, concessions and raffle sales all go towards this goal. Unable to attend? Please consider donating to our PTA, any amount helps!
This family favorite event will be held at the Canyon Park Middle School from 6:00-8:30.

Buy Tickets NOW and Preorder Food

Volunteer Opportunity (short 30 min slots!)

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Math Challenge Tournament

Math Challenge Tournament

This year Maywood Hills PTA is facilitating the Math Challenge Tournament in our school! It is a great opportunity to participate in a country-wide competition, without the pressure of being assessed, since that is not a part of the school curriculum. 

The Tournament is open to grade 2 - 5 students. 1st grade students can participate, however they will be competing at a grade 2 level. 

Tournament Details
Location: Maywood Hills Elementary gym
Date: 03/28/2025
Time: 6 PM (check-in 5:30 - 5:45)
Registration Link: https://ellipsisacademy.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=72669022

A few things to note:

  • Tournament Fee: $25 per student. The fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. 20% of it will go back to our PTA, to support the math program.

  • This tournament is in-person only and not available online. We will need a few proctor volunteers.

  • If you need to request changes (i.e. division, name, etc.) after registration, you can submit a Change Request at: https://www.ellipsisacademy.com/mct-change-request.html.

  • Once you've registered, you will immediately receive an email confirmation containing additional information. If you didn't see the confirmation email, please check your spam folder.

  • Last day to register & submit change requests is March 4, 2025.

  • During registration, Level means grade (e.g. grade 3 = level 3). Most students will use Division 2. Division 1 is for students enrolled in accelerated programs, like EAP, or studying math at least 1 grade above their grade level.

  • All participants receive a keepsake and a ribbon. Students who end up in the top 10% in their grade level and division will receive medals. There is also a special prize for the best scorers in each category. 

For more information about the tournament (format, type of problems, awards, etc.) visit https://www.ellipsisacademy.com/2025-math-challenge-tournament.html.

An email with a detailed schedule (check-in time, what to expect, pick-up time, etc.) will be sent to all registered families after the registration closes.

Please reach out to our Math Challenge Coordinator, Barbara, with further questions.

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MH Tiger Family Storytime

MH Tiger Family Storytime

MH Tiger Family Storytime is happening! 

Students and families are invited to ZOOM IN for Storytime / picture book read-alouds presented by Maywood fellow families. 

Use the following link to join the meeting: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 752 6703 8587 Passcode: FACE

Want to share a favorite book? We are looking for families to read and share a story. Would you like to share a story in your native language? You can find some previous Storytime sessions here. It is fun, easy, and kids love to participate. Just reach us at face@maywoodhillspta.com, support is provided! 

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Bothell Police Presentation- Protecting Your Children Against Sexual Abuse (Copy)

Bothell Police Presentation- Protecting Your Children Against Sexual Abuse (Copy)

Detective Garcia from the Bothell Police will be presenting “The Digital Playground: Understanding Online Risks and Protecting Your Child.”
Attend in person at the Bothell Police Station’s community room- 18410 101st Ave NE Bothell WA 98011
Please RSVP on this form if you plan to attend in person.

Attend virtually through Microsoft Teams, click here- Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 272 433 331 863. Passcode: 8Tg9G7ff

This presentation utilized the experiences of Detective Garcia to paint a picture of the threats children face from self-exploitation, sextortion, and on-line enticement.  Tricks and suggestions will be shared for parents dealing with kids that are better at navigating the internet than they are.  

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MH Tiger Family Storytime

MH Tiger Family Storytime

MH Tiger Family Storytime is happening! 

Students and families are invited to ZOOM IN for Storytime / picture book read-alouds presented by Maywood fellow families. 

Use the following link to join the meeting: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 752 6703 8587 Passcode: FACE

Our last Storytime sessions is Wednesdays February 26, from 6:30pm to 7:00pm.

Want to share a favorite book? We are looking for families to read and share a story. Would you like to share a story in your native language? You can find some previous Storytime sessions here. It is fun, easy, and kids love to participate. Just reach us at face@maywoodhillspta.com, support is provided! 

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Bothell Police Presentation- Protecting Your Children Against Sexual Abuse

Bothell Police Presentation- Protecting Your Children Against Sexual Abuse

Detective Sergeant Erik Martin from the Bothell Police will be presenting “Protecting Your Children Against Sexual Abuse”
Attend in person at the Bothell Police Station’s community room- 18410 101st Ave NE Bothell WA 98011
Please RSVP on this form if you plan to attend in person.

Attend virtually through Microsoft Teams, click here- Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 272 433 331 863. Passcode: 8Tg9G7ff

This presentation addresses the very real threats children face from people they already know.  It covers topics like how many kids are abused each year in our county, what the offenders look like, how they groom children, and how to protect kids...they cannot protect themselves.  Using short videos of convicted child molesters, coupled with commentary about real-world Bothell crimes, parents will become armed with the information to protect their kids.

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Kindergarten Hearts

Kindergarten Hearts

*** Calling Kindergarten Parents! *** Save the date for a fun after school card making activity, February 4th 3:35-4:30. Room 30. *Note this is not a drop off activity, students must be accompanied by caregiver.

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MH Tiger Family Storytime

MH Tiger Family Storytime

MH Tiger Family Storytime is happening! 

Students and families are invited to ZOOM IN for Storytime / picture book read-alouds presented by Maywood fellow families. 

Use the following link to join the meeting: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 752 6703 8587 Passcode: FACE

Upcoming Storytime sessions on Wednesdays February 12 and 26, from 6:30pm to 7:00pm.

Want to share a favorite book? We are looking for families to read and share a story. Would you like to share a story in your native language? You can find some previous Storytime sessions here. It is fun, easy, and kids love to participate. Just reach us at face@maywoodhillspta.com, support is provided! 

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Family Movie Night: Inside Out 2

Family Movie Night: Inside Out 2

Maywood Hills PTA presents Family Movie Night on Saturday, Jan 18. We will be showing Inside Out 2 (Rated PG) in the gym. The movie is free, however we ask that you RSVP as space in the gym is limited.

We have two showings to choose from, 4:00pm and 6:15pm.

*This is not a drop off event, children must be accompanied by adults.

Please bring your own water bottles, blankets, pillows or low back chairs. We will provide some folding chairs in the back of the gym.

We will have a few volunteer opportunities to help with set up, clean up and popcorn. Please sign up here, high school and middle school volunteers are welcome.

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Cut and Chat

Cut and Chat

This event is hosted by our Special Education Parent Representatives. This is an opportunity to make connections with other SPED parents, learn about the special education team at Maywood and help the learning center prep any projects they need help with. For further details please contact our Special Ed Parent Reps.

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MH Tiger Family Storytime

MH Tiger Family Storytime

MH Tiger Family Storytime is happening! 

Students and families are invited to ZOOM IN for Storytime / picture book read-alouds presented by Maywood fellow families. 

Use the following link to join the meeting: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 752 6703 8587 Passcode: FACE

Upcoming Storytime sessions on Wednesdays January 29, and February 12 and 26, from 6:30pm to 7:00pm.

Want to share a favorite book? We are looking for families to read and share a story. Would you like to share a story in your native language? You can find some previous Storytime sessions here. It is fun, easy, and kids love to participate. Just reach us at face@maywoodhillspta.com, support is provided! 

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MH Tiger Family Storytime

MH Tiger Family Storytime

MH Tiger Family Storytime is back! 

Students and families are invited to ZOOM IN for Storytime / picture book read-alouds presented by Maywood fellow families. 

Our first Storytime will be Wednesday December 18th 6:30pm to 7:00pm, and we are excited to count with an amazing and passionate storyteller, our new 5th grade teacher Mr. Sylvester. Join us to get to know him a little better and enjoy a beautiful and meaningful story: “There’s not such a thing as a dragon”.

Use the following link to join the meeting: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 752 6703 8587 Passcode: FACE

Upcoming Storytime sessions on Wednesdays January 15 and 29, and February 12 and 26, from 6:30pm to 7:00pm.

Want to share a favorite book? We are looking for families to read and share a story. Would you like to share a story in your native language? You can find some previous Storytime sessions here. It is fun, easy, and kids love to participate. Just reach us at face@maywoodhillspta.com, support is provided! 

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Sponsor a Winter Food Box
to Dec 15

Sponsor a Winter Food Box

In partnership with the Maywood Hills staff, the PTA provides groceries and a holiday meal for families over the winter break. We are looking for families to help sponsor. We have two options available- 

  1. Sign up to purchase items for a holiday meal and drop them off at Jessica’s house by December 15th (canned vegetables, boxed stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc.). The total list is around $15

  2. Sign up to donate money to cover the cost of the fresh food (milk, butter, deli meat, bread, etc.). Suggested donation of $50, however any amount helps!! 

Full details on the food drop off and how to donate money are in the sign up genius, click full description at the top. Thank you in advance for your support!

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Family Dance Party

Family Dance Party

Family dance party at Canyon Park Middle School! Wear your neon clothes, your dancing shoes and be ready to show your best moves!
We will have Sugar+Spoon Cookie Dough food truck for purchase (10% of sales go back to PTA).


Deadline is Wednesday 11/13 for PRE-ORDER.

Bring food for our weekend backpack program and get a prize. Please bring one of the following items:

  • Canned chicken or tuna

  • Canned Soup: Tomato or Chicken Noodle

  • Microwavable Dinner (ex. Chef Boyardi, canned chili, instant mac & cheese)

  • Individually Packaged Nut-Free Snacks (ex. goldfish, popcorn, fruit snacks)

  • Shelf stable milk and juice

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Dine out for Maywood- MOD Pizza

Dine out for Maywood- MOD Pizza

Our friends at MOD in Canyon Park are ready for you…dinner is covered! Order MOD pizza today, mention the code MODGIVES25 and Maywood Hills and our PTA receives a portion of the sales.


22833 Bothell Everett Hwy

Suite 161

Bothell, WA 98021

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Enchanted Booktacular

Enchanted Booktacular

Come to the gym on Friday night for a magical evening celebrating books!
We will have many fun bookish activities- Get cozy in the Dragon’s Den, Write to your favorite author at Mail for Muggles station, Listen to read alouds at Adventures in Storyland; Use Rapunzels braid to help create silly poems at Tangled Tales of Poetry station; and take home some new to you books at the Where the Wild Books Are book swap table; Get your photos taken with Storybook Portraits and more!!

BOOK SWAP- We are collecting gently used children’s books in the front office or at Jessica Schulte’s house (email president@maywoodhillspta.com for address) from 10/15-10/17.

VOLUNTEERS Needed- We need a few volunteers to help with set up, stations and clean up. Sign up here- https://evite.me/K1YAHxfaJ8

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Back to School Bash

Back to School Bash

Come to Maywood for a fantastic back to school event! Free pizza for kids! Food trucks (tacos and burgers) for purchase! Games, music, custom spiritwear fo sale and more!

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Book Club- The Anxious Generation

Book Club- The Anxious Generation

Jonathon Haidt’s bestselling book addresses the impacts of smart phones and social media on childhood. Join us (whether you have read the book or not) as we discuss the topics in the book and his suggested actions to take to combat the negative affects.

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