Sponsor PTA

Sponsorship Levels

The Bothell community is integral in advancing our 3 core pillars: Enhancing Students’ Experiences, Supporting Teachers & Staff, and Partnership with Families & Communities

The Hardworking Nice Guys - a family business. Expertise you can trust - Allen, Ben & Natalie Johnson work together on every transaction to ensure a smooth and simplified real estate experience.

Visit them at AllenJohnson.net

Bothell Orthodontics - Our orthodontist, Dr. Jeremy Chaison, and our talented staff look forward to providing you with the highest quality orthodontic care in a comfortable and family-friendly environment. Dr. Chaison specializes in orthodontics for people of all ages and believes that each patient has unique needs worthy of individualized attention and treatment.

Visit them at BothellOrthodontics.com

  • Leader of the Pack

    Certificate/Poster to display in business

    Logo on Website

    One month highlight in the PTA newsletter

    Mention in President’s Message & Social Media

    Logo on Event Shirt (If applicable)

    Special idea planning (if applicable)

    ($2000 + above)

  • Tiger Sponsor

    Certificate/Poster to display in business

    Logo on Website

    One month highlight in the PTA newsletter


  • Cub Sponsor

    Certificate/Poster to display in business

    Logo on Website
