Sponsor PTA
Sponsorship Levels
The Bothell community is integral in advancing our 3 core pillars: Enhancing Students’ Experiences, Supporting Teachers & Staff, and Partnership with Families & Communities
The Hardworking Nice Guys - a family business. Expertise you can trust - Allen, Ben & Natalie Johnson work together on every transaction to ensure a smooth and simplified real estate experience.
Visit them at AllenJohnson.net
Bothell Orthodontics - Our orthodontist, Dr. Jeremy Chaison, and our talented staff look forward to providing you with the highest quality orthodontic care in a comfortable and family-friendly environment. Dr. Chaison specializes in orthodontics for people of all ages and believes that each patient has unique needs worthy of individualized attention and treatment.
Visit them at BothellOrthodontics.com
Leader of the Pack
Certificate/Poster to display in business
Logo on Website
One month highlight in the PTA newsletter
Mention in President’s Message & Social Media
Logo on Event Shirt (If applicable)
Special idea planning (if applicable)
($2000 + above)
Tiger Sponsor
Certificate/Poster to display in business
Logo on Website
One month highlight in the PTA newsletter
Cub Sponsor
Certificate/Poster to display in business
Logo on Website