Volunteer Today

Volunteer Application Process

To volunteer on campus, you must complete the registration process outlined on this page.

Why Volunteer?

Involvement by student’s families and community members contributes to a successful school experience and has a positive impact on student achievement. When caring adults participate in the education of children, students achieve better grades, have better attendance, complete homework, and show higher aspirations.

Questions? Email volunteer@maywoodhillspta.com

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

Friday March 14th

Back by popular demand, it is time for bingo, prizes, food, and fun. Our most popular event is back for another round and this time it is going to be bigger and better than ever. SAME CARD - SAME FUN!

We can only make this happen with your amazing support. So click the link and sign up today!

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

Recess Volunteer

Recess Volunteering is open for sign-up! Bring your energy, enthusiasm, and support for the kiddos as a volunteer at recess. It is a great way to engage with students and staff at Maywood Hills!

You must have completed all the volunteer paperwork. This will be vetted and confirmed by the front office staff prior to your arrival.

Library Volunteer

Our library depends on volunteers to keep books accessible to our students.  Whether you could come in one morning a week or one hour during the entire school year, we welcome your help.  Library volunteers work with books, students and help in our Maker Space.  Your time and talents are welcome here!

Crossing Guard

Help greet kids at the beginning and end of the day, keep the car line moving.
Days: currently all days open!
Times: 8:40-9:00; once per week

Open PTA Positions

We still have openings for Emergency Preparedness Chair, Fundraising Chair, Reflections, and our Awards Committee. Want to learn more or volunteer? Click below!