F.A.C.E. is excited to present New projects this year and we could use YOUR HELP! These projects line up with the PTA’s Pillar and vision of partnering with Families and Communities. Please email FACE@maywoodhillspta.com if you are interested or have questions.

Cultural/Celebration Kits

We are looking for families and staff to help create cultural and celebration kits. The plan is to share these kits at school for MH families and staff, so we can connect with and learn more about the members of our school community (ie. kits can be made available at PTA meetings, PTA events, and for interested MH staff). FACE will use the NSD Calendar: Days of highest impact for reference. 

If there are celebrations your family recognizes or participates in, please feel free to share with us - we would love to get to know you!  Items for the kit may include: cultural items which represent the holiday or celebration, decorations, craft ideas, games, pieces of clothing, photos, books etc.

Poster/Display Case

Did you know that Sept. 15- Oct 15 is recognized as Hispanic Heritage Month? Are you participating in community or family events that celebrate Women in History month? Lunar New Year? Would you like to help create a sign/poster to display next to the PTA information case and/or library display case each month? Send us a message so we can coordinate with you! 

Tiger Family Storytime

Students and families are invited to ZOOM IN for Storytime / picture book read-alouds presented by fellow Maywood families and staff. 

Our first Storytime will be Wednesday December 18th 6:30pm to 7:00pm, and we are excited to count with an amazing and passionate storyteller, our new 5th grade teacher Mr. Sylvester. Join us to get to know him a little better and enjoy a beautiful and meaningful story: “There’s not such a thing as a dragon”.

Use the following link to join the meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 752 6703 8587 Passcode: FACE

Want to share a favorite book? We are looking for families to read and share a story. Would you like to share a story in your native language? It is fun, easy, and kids love to participate. Just reach us at face@maywoodhillspta.com, support is provided! 

If you’re interested in hosting a session, please check this sign-up list for available dates.

Upcoming Dates @ 6:30-7pm

  • Wed Dec 18th

  • Wed Jan. 15th

  • Wed Jan. 29th

  • Wed Feb. 12th

  • Wed Feb. 26th

View past Family storytime videos on the Maywood Hills PTA YouTube Channel. 

Please share with us your ideas for promoting family community engagement. Or if you have questions and would like help, reach out to us or anyone of us or on the PTA executive team.